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Here's the Thing About...Blogger

 I've been contemplating blogging again for the last few months--going back to a place where I can write my thoughts and let them be, so I don't stew. It's been a good long while since I blogged about my thoughts, and a lot has changed regarding platforms in that time. The first platform I think I used was Tumblr, which is a great platform, but a platform I mostly used to reblog, share, and sort through some very, very emo emotions I was going through at the time. It's fun* to look back on, but not a space I think I want to live in again.

I also took a peek back at WordPress, where I have started and ghosted on eight, yes, let me repeat that...eight blogs. Two were about eating delicious food. Two were about adoption and the early days of parenting. One was about fundraising. Two were about art and/or poetry. One was about folklore, magic, and witchcraft. They have all fallen by the wayside. And I love WordPress--it's robust and customizable and also can take a lot of thought and I tend to get lost in everything it can do, instead of just letting it be a place for words.

After looking at Wix and Weebly (both of which I don't like simply because my brain doesn't work in the way either platform wants my brain to work to customize their design and I get pissy and end up yelling at my computer), I decided to look up Blogger to see if it still existed. The last time I used Blogger was in 2013, when I had two vegan food blogs, both with good recipes and terrible photography. But it's a platform I liked--not too customizable where I can get lost in the weeds for weeks, and definitely easy enough to let the platform just be a text-based platform. 

So Bravo, Blogger, for continuing to exist in a rapid changing world of blog platforms, in a world where I'm not actually convinced text-based blogs are actually still a "thing"... they're not, right?We'll see if this space sticks for me, or if this new blog goes the way of every other blog I've started in my life. Stay tuned!
